Weather monitoring is more important than ever to both public safety and business continuity. That’s why we’re proud to offer a wide range of stations and sensors, so anybody can achieve their monitoring goals at a scale, price point, and degree of precision that works for them.
Our latest addition to that lineup is the WMO- and ICAO-compliant AEM Apex Automated Weather Station (AWS). As its name suggests, the Apex represents AEM’s top-of-the-line offering. It combines several precision sensors from our LAMBRECHT meteo brand with the AEM Elements® 360 application to provide total real-time and ongoing meteorological awareness.
Moving forward, we’ll explore…
T is for temperature. H is for humidity. P is for pressure. [pro] means it’s ready for any measurement campaign in any deployment setting.
The THP[pro] enables the AEM Apex to measure all three environmental parameters in real time using a single compact sensor. With its protective shelter in place, the THP[pro] can deliver accurate, reliable data during any season.
The rain[e] is an incredibly precise weighing precipitation sensor that enables high-accuracy measurement of all precipitation types, including rain, snow, sleet, and hail. It also contains a traditional tipping bucket mechanism, which builds a second layer of validation into all the data the rain[e] gathers.
The sensor is self-emptying, and a self-heating model is also available to prevent the rain[e] from freezing up in winter weather conditions. That means reliable measurement, no matter what kind of precipitation you’re getting or how intense it is. That level of 24/7/365 reliability sets it apart from any other method for measuring rainfall or snow.
The u[sonic] sits atop the Apex’s mast to measure wind speed and direction without any moving parts. Ultrasonic measurement significantly reduces maintenance and ensures data remains reliable over time, as there are no anemometer cups to break or bearings to wear out.
The sun[e] observes and quantifies solar radiation using a thermopile. That means it converts the sun’s rays into a measurable electric current. According to the ISO 9060 standard, the sun[e] is a secondary standard or Class A pyranometer, putting it in the highest tier of accuracy among radiation sensors.
The Apex was specifically created to serve a range of scientists and safety professionals who need incredibly accurate and reliable weather data collection to get the job done right. That includes people working in…
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) establishes strict standards for climate and weather observations in order to protect the integrity of their datasets. Those standards include requirements around topics like…
The Apex Automated Weather Station was specifically designed to meet the WMO’s standards for measurement and data transmission/integrity, which means it can be used in any official weather or climate study.
The International Civilian Aviation Organization (ICAO) sets out weather forecasting and data requirements for countries participating in international civilian air travel as part of their International Standards and Recommended Practices. All 193 member states contracting with ICAO must provide sufficient accurate data to make aviation safe, including forecast information on a variety of weather factors, like…
Every ICAO member state also needs to establish a meteorological watch office to maintain real-time awareness of weather conditions that could affect air travel. The Apex helps achieve both of those goals, providing a richer foundation of data for reliable forecasting and more accurate real-time intelligence to ensure ongoing safety.
Do you need research quality data to improve or protect your community? Are you on a mission to improve weather intelligence for pilots, airlines, and air traffic controllers? Does data accuracy mean everything to your work? If so, the Apex AWS might be for you.
To get more information on the Apex, you can download our product sheet or talk to an AEM specialist to understand which station in our line best fits your needs.