We’re happy to announce that a new research paper from our Earth Networks lightning science and meteorology team, “Analyzing Lightning Characteristics in Central and Southern South America” is now available digitally through Electric Power Systems Research. The report will be printed in Volume 213 (December 2022) of the journal.
The paper leveraged Earth Networks’ Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) to study trends in cloud-to-ground and in-cloud lightning distribution in one of the world’s key climate regions. You can visit ScienceDirect to read the full report now.
Before we jump into the content of their research, we want to take a moment to introduce some of the core scientists innovating services and advancing weather-related knowledge at AEM's Earth Networks brand:
Meet the Authors
Dr. Elizabeth DiGangi Lightning |
Dr. Jeff Principal Lightning |
Mark |
Elizabeth is a research scientist at Earth Networks. Before joining our team, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oklahoma, where she earned her PhD in Meteorology in 2019. |
Jeff focuses on research and development of the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network. He holds a PhD in Atmospheric Physics and Instrumentation from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. |
Mark is our Chief Meteorologist and Director of Meteorological Operations. Mark has been a member of our team for over 20 years and built our MetOps department from the ground up. |
Q&A with the Team
If you're not a lightning scientist (don't worry, most people aren't), some of "Analyzing Lightning Characteristics..." might come in a little over your head. That's why we sat down with the authors to talk through their research and uncover how this work is meaningful and relevant for all global citizens.
Read the full Q&A roundtable to hear Elizabeth DiGangi, Jeff Lapierre, and Mark Hoekzema explain:
- How would you describe the publication to a layperson?
- What was the genesis of this project? What challenge brought you together?
- Where did your data come from? Who did you partner with to gather or analyze it?
- What, as a weather expert, did you learn that's going to impact your practice moving forward?
- What new questions do you have after completing this project? What are your next steps?
To see the team's answers, be sure to hop on over to the Earth Networks site!
Read the Paper
If you are a weather scientist or want to get the full story after checking out the Q&A with the authors, you can download a copy of "Analyzing Lightning Characteristics in Central and Southern South America" for free through ScienceDirect:
Talk to Our Experts
Trying to understand what emerging weather trends, like the ones uncovered in "Analyzing Lightning Characteristics," mean for your business? Need to protect your employees or community members from lightning, wildfires, floods, destructive storms, and other severe weather events?
AEM employs a team of weather scientists, hydrometeorologists, and wildfire solutions experts who can help you understand your weather risk management needs and keep people safe. Contact us to start your journey to total weather preparedness.