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Survive & Thrive: The AEM Blog

Articles & perspectives from the world's essential source for environmental insights



    Posts by:

    Mark Hoekzema

    Mark Hoekzema is AEM’s chief meteorologist and director of meteorological operations. He oversees meteorological content integration and acquisition across all product lines. In 2000, he joined our Earth Networks brand to help manage the WeatherBug desktop application. Later, he spearheaded the development of our Meteorological Operations department, a 24/7 global forecasting operation that he now manages. Mark also worked as part of the R&D team that is named on AEM’s patented, Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts (DTA), which use the company’s global lightning detection technology to help predict the potential for severe weather around the world. Prior to AEM and Earth Networks, Mark worked for 13 years at NBC WRC-TV in Washington, D.C., becoming a weather producer/forecaster, an on-air meteorologist, and a webmaster for the first-ever TV weather website. Mark went to the University of Maryland for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in meteorology.

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